When a person is hypnotized their mind is introduced to a false and spiritual realm. In this subconscious state of mind a person can be persuaded to believe anything the hypnotist tells them. Some people may think it is alright to be hypnotized as long as the hypnotist tells them to believe something good. However, they are still believing something that may not be true. Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest... think on these things. Believing whatever the person tells them, good or bad, it is still not being true or honest. Hypnosis alters a person’s mind. Some people have been put under hypnosis in an effort to try and remember an event that took place in their life. Maybe even a traumatic event. Through hypnosis they attempted to go back to a place in their mind to try and see if they could remember a certain event. The problem is when they allow their mind to be taken to a place they are not in at the present time they could be taken to a place (subconsciously) that was not real. The effect can be devastating! Even if it is not devastating to them it could cause a fantasy or false sense of euphoria that will later come crashing down. When a person blocks something from their mind (or even if the Lord allows it to be blocked) it is because their mind could not have taken the trauma at the time. When a person’s mind is taken back to this traumatic event through false methods like hypnosis (whether they remember it when the session is over or not) they have opened a wound in their mind that is susceptible to emotional and evil spiritual infiltration. God is the only one who can heal our mind. In God’s time He will bring emotions and thoughts to the surface, things that have been hidden, and He will be with us to help us through it – and then heal us from it. But, when we use false spiritual methods (such as: hypnosis, mind control, astral projection, etc.), thingsof which God does not approve, then we are treading on dangerous and spiritually evil ground. Hypnosis is dangerous, emotionally and spiritually, and hypnosis cannot heal a person’s past. Only God can!
What many people, including Christians, do not realize is there is a spiritual aspect to hypnosis, and it is an evil one. When a person allows their subconscious mind to be put under hypnosis (even one time) they can later be pulled easily, at any time, back into this false spiritual realm without assistance from any person – but with the assistance of evil spirits. Whether the person doing the hypnosis realizes it or not they are being directed by evil spirits to put others under a spell. It is not the person’s own power doing the hypnotizing. They are being used as a mediator (by Satan) to bring a person’s mind into a false, and evil, spiritual realm. These evil spirits only want the hypnotist to help them once and they will take over from there – creating a foothold into the person’s subconscious – that they can access whenever they want. After all, the person allowed an open door to them through hypnotism!
Some people have claimed to stop smoking, or stop some other life controlling habit, by being hypnotized. While others have tried hypnotism and have said they could not be hypnotized, saying that it just did not work on them. First of all, for the person claiming to have given up smoking, or any other bondage, through hypnotism what they do not realize is that through hypnosis they have now picked up a far greater bondage – now their mind is opened to a spiritually evil realm. They will have a bondage to evil spirits that will have more power over them than the cigarettes, or other life controlling habits. Secondly, for the person who says hypnosis did not work on them, whether they know it or not, their subconscious mind has still been touched by an evil spiritual realm, and though delayed, it will have lasting negative affects on them later. Hypnosis is spiritually evil and dangerous!
(To study its origin search history of hypnotism or mesmerism)
If you have ever been hypnotized please say the following prayer:
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,I take authority over every evil spirit that I have allowed into my mind or mid-brain (even from childhood) through my eyes, ears, and mouth (this includes evil spirits associated with music, T.V., videos, computers, pornography, drugs or alcohol, smoking, and even hypnosis, etc). I also ask forgiveness for every unclean word that I have spoken due to the influence of these evil spirits. I give Jesus Christ complete authority over my heart, my mind, my thoughts, and my mouth. I ask you to help me gird up the loins of my mind. I Peter 1:13: Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Please cleanse the conscious, unconscious, and subconscious areas of my mind (setting me free from all fantasy pictures, mind travel and out of body experiences, or times of blackout and trance-like states of mind). I ask you to forgive me for anything that I may have done to my family (including my grandparents, my parents, my spouse/ex-spouse, or my kids). I also ask you to forgive me for anything that I have done to cause them to reject me – and I especially ask you to forgive me for anything that I have done, or said, that would cause them to reject you. I repent for not knowing or obeying your commandments, and I repent for not teaching them to my children. I give everything in my life to you Lord Jesus and I ask you to renew my mind, covering every area of my mind and soul with your precious blood. I ask you to please do the same for my children. Cleanse their mind (including their mid-brain) from all evil influence, and please forgive me for allowing my children to put any unclean things in their eyes, ears, and mind. I ask you to remove all evil spirits and all evil suggestions from our minds and keep our minds and lives free from every evil device. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, my generation and every future generation of my family are forever free from every evil assignment directed towards us (due to our own disobedience, or the disobedience of our forefathers). Nehemiah 9:2: And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers. I ask that you would heal me, and my family members (present and future), from any type of mental or physical illness that may be caused by these evil spirits (this includes the evil spirits of fear, torment, or physical and emotional pain). I thank you Lord for hearing and answering all my prayers. In Jesus name! Amen.