Many Christians know that voodoo is evil, but what they may not know is that voodoo uses Roman Catholic icons, and rituals, as part of their black magic. Even more proof that these false images/icons are not Godly! Voodoo is a practice that is very evil and extremely deceptive. One form of their deception is when they appear to raise people from the dead using voodoo. In voodoo a witch doctor will perform a ritual over a person (that everyone thinks is dead) and suddenly they emerge, as if the witch doctor raised them up. They even have them buried in a shallow grave for this ritual. This ritual is an event that has been filmed and aired through the media. During this time the person will actually appear (physically) dead. In this deceptively evil practice the false appearance of death is brought on through a substance taken from a puffer fish. Though they may appear to be dead they are only in a deep trance-like or comatose state. In this meditative state they are barely alive! At a specified time the witchdoctor will begin to perform a ritual over the person, who appears dead, and the person will start to noticeably breathe. As their vital signs improve it appears as if they were raised from the dead. It is extremely dangerous and deceptive. Any person who tries to attain an out of body experience, whether through ritual or drug, is playing with fire. God appoints the time when our soul/spirit will leave our body and go into eternity. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die… Any person who practices false and dangerous methods may find them self out of their body with no way back!
This same false meditative state [out of body or astral projection] can also be brought about through eastern transcendental meditation and controlled breathing methods. Which are spiritually false practices! (See my document on yoga.) It is extremely dangerous to practice anything deriving from false religions. A person could actually die while in this type of meditative state – and some probably have!
Extra note: For information about another false religious practice see my document on ‘Shamanism’. Shaman means witch doctor!